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 Foundation Develpment  Gatherings

Development Groups take place on a monthly basis. They are a wonderful opportunity for all who have trained with us and anyone who would like to know more about the teachings we offer, to meet up and have a taster or refresher for continuity of the Energy Work we have covered in our courses. The development groups provide the opportunity to meet up with old friends, and make new ones, whilst enjoying working with the energy in many ways, such as healing, shamanic work and many other types of energy development work.

Due to Covid restrictions the Development Groups will take place on line via Zoom until further notice

Empowered Healing & Spirituality

The spiritual path leads you back home to your soul

Foundation Energy Awareness & Spiritual Development Group via Zoom 2021

This is a one session per month course run over 6 sessions. On completion of this foundation course, you are invited to join the advanced Development Group.

Each session lasting up 2.5 hours. This group will take place once a month on line Via Zoom. Cost is £20 per session. Book and pay for all 6 sessions in advanced to receive £10 discount.

Time: 11am – 1.30pm

All sessions include a mixture of meditation, teachings, practical exercises to allow you to experience each topic plus discussion and Q & A time.

Topics include:

Date: 18.04.21 - Week 1: The Human Energy System and how it works. To include the Chakras and layers of the Aura. How to release blocks and the importance of a balanced energy system.

Date: 16.05.21 - Week 2: How to control your energy awareness and sensitivity and Developing your Psychic Gift through colours and their meanings.

Date: 13.06.21 - Week 3: Dowsing for energy awareness & Well-being. To include: How to dowse using dowsing rods & pendulum. How does dowsing works, dowsing for well-being and dowsing for geopathic & electromagnetic stress.

Date: 11.07.21 - Week 4: Introduction to Energy Protection to include: How to know when protection is needed. How to protect yourself from negative environment or people and more.

Date: 29.08.21 - Week 5: How to and benefits of raising your energy vibration. What are Spirit guides, guardian angels and helpers and how to communicate with these spiritual beings.

Date: 19.09.21 - Week 6: Introduction to shamanism and power animals. How to Connect to your power animal to enhance your understanding and connection to this powerful energy and wisdom.

To secure your place on the course: Please email or message me and include your email address. Email: you will receive an invoice to pay via PayPal. Pre booking & payment is required at least 1 week in advanced of each session.

With love and blessings


Each development group will have a different theme but we always start each with a guided meditation. 

Group meditations can be very powerful experiences as the combined power and spiritual energy of those gathered supports each individual. This will, without doubt, greatly increase your 'connection' which then leads perfectly into the rest of the sessions energy work. You will come to realize that being a part of the group with other like minded people will raise and activate your energy levels and connection to a marked degree. As you experience the wonderful power that a deeper connection within yourself can bring during the higher states of awareness of meditation, the more inner power you can measure, and therefore, with everyone doing likewise, then the power shared by the group can be an amazing experience.

You'll also find the development groups a great place to meet like-minded people, able and open to some interesting and wonderful conversations.

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